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#7) Pogs, Tamagotchi, Magic Eye Books, and other Toys from the 90s...
Whose brilliant f-ing idea was it to create pogs? Were they actually (more importantly, HOW were they actually) able to pass as real toys that kids enjoyed playing with? They were measly cardboard cut-outs shaped like large coins or disks that had Jar-Jar Binks or some pseudo-celebrity face on them. The more well-known or reputable the person or thing on the pog, the more desirable and valuable that pog becomes (but who really gives a sh*t, a pog is a pog is a pog, and in the end, they all are just a waste of space except for when you can sell them on ebay for a whopping 15 bucks a pop, then they become actual money-making schemes rather than just a kid-friendly poser form of currency). I guess the whole idea behind pogs and the game of winning and collecting as many pogs as you can get has its value... It teaches kids to learn how to barter, trade, negotiate... (and gamble, cheat, steal, and become captalistic swines...). All in the spirit of fun though. Just don't forget to say you're playing for keeps at the start of the game. Otherwise, you're screwed out of a Pink Power Ranger pog (which in real life would have a utilitarian value equal to or less than that of a Coca-Cola bottle cap).

Tamagotchi. The handheld digital pet that had kids in an all-consuming craze to feed what was an otherwise inanimate, yet super-needy bit of information. That damn thing wouldn't stop beeping sometimes! Of course the perks were that I don't think I've ever felt so attached and maternalistic towards anything much less a computerized object before Tamagotchi totally got me! [gag with me with a spoon] Those Japanese peeps think of the darnest things! Again, how these things became such a hit with the kids, I have no idea. But I guess they were great to have for kids who lived with or were themselves allergic to cats, dogs, tigers, bears, whatever new pet the toy was carrying at the time.

Magic Eye books. Ok, now this was something that I have to admit I was a fan of. Some might say that they were just a fake and deceptive ploy to get people to crisscross their eyes and look totally retarded but I can attest that they really do work and the images really can be seen. In all sincerity, these books were really nothing short of amazing. I saw many splendid things, and how they really do work, again... I have no idea, but they were brilliant.

So those were a few of my memorable recollections of the toys from the 90s. Of course, there were many others... like Chia Pets, the precursor to Tamagotchi and other digital pets. Beanie babies, Furbys, Trolls, that darn Tickle Me Elmo and its incessantly annoying giggle-fits... Lots others...


Love the new layout. I remember pogs, i never knew how to play but since my older brother had them I had to have them. I was a beanie baby collector too and also loved furbys until they scared the shit out of me by turning them selves on in the middle of the night...

December 21, 2007 at 12:20 PM  

i was big into beanie babies and it actually ended up paying off. i sold mine when i got into high s chool and ended up making like $200 which i then put in a savings account. nice to have that money now!

and they just launch tamigachis again. the kids i used to baby-sit for have them and ADORE them.

May 7, 2008 at 12:52 PM  

i loved tamagotchis too!

god - that brought back such memories....

good times.

August 17, 2008 at 3:48 AM  

My brother and I had so much fun with pogs...for a summer.

May 12, 2009 at 6:17 AM  

Yeah, I kinda remember that Tamagotchi things... I think I broke my mom's. :D
Slinky! I love slinkies... though I think they're older than Tama's or Pog's..

November 19, 2009 at 10:05 PM  

Man those were the days. I actually remember buying lots of coke just so I can have more pog. The tamagochi was also a craze back then, I remember a cute dinosaur of mine. But it wouldn’t have lasted really, one would get tired of the routine.

February 3, 2010 at 9:09 PM  

Whooahh.. I remember I used to have 2 tamagochi before, and a box of pogs! Sometimes it scares me how time flies so fast. I miss being a kid! Now toys are a little expensive. Thank you for sharing this it made me think of my childhood.

February 10, 2010 at 5:46 AM  

Reminiscing the 90's... Thanks for reminding me of my younger years lol! Looking back I remembered myself crying because my brother doesn't want to play pigs with me because he believes that the game is for boys. He always ask me to play with my dolls. :(

April 23, 2010 at 11:04 PM  

I once owned a Tamagochi but it died because I was not able to feed it on time. :(

April 28, 2010 at 5:33 PM  

It's funny how every description you gave about those toys were exactly how i have in mind. It's true how at first each of them are really out of this world but it was still able to catch the attention of the kids. :))

July 1, 2010 at 11:03 PM  

These toys are the reasons why being a kid in the 90s is the best! I own a Tamagochi before and I remember crying over when my pet died because I accidentally push the reset button :(

August 4, 2010 at 5:25 PM  

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